Arlington Police Officer Gives Pot-Smoking Teen Unusual Punishment
If you were a teenager who got caught smoking marijuana outside of a movie theater, and the police officer who caught you gave you the choice of either a) a citation for possession of the wacky weed, or b) doing 200 pushups, which would you choose?
That's exactly what happened earlier this week in Arlington, when Police Officer Eric Ball, who was working an off-duty detail at a movie theater and smelled the smoke. Officer Ball found the youth, who he said was respectful, and realized that he'd done wrong, and he gave him the option of the 2 punishments. The youth chose the pushups. Officer Ball, who played football, got the idea from coaches who dished out that penalty.
That was pretty generous of the officer to make that offer. If in the same situation, my only question would be, can I do them over say, a five day period?
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