This is why I always buy a scratch-off when I drive through small towns. I believe that many big winners are sold in small towns.

Another big winner in a small town. A $250,000 winning ticket was sold in Lolita, Texas, at the Circle R Drive In. The top-prize winning ticket was from the $10 Mega Loteria series. The winning ticket was #23 in the book of 50.  This was the 6th out of 20 top-prize jackpots. There are still 14 $250,000 top-prize tickets in circulation.

Texas Lottey Website
Texas Lottery Website

Last year in September, a winning ticket was sold in Tivoli, also a small Texas town, it was another top-prize winner on a $10 ticket. An anonymous Yoakum resident  won a $1 million top-prize jackpot for the $10 ticket, Cash Explosion. This winning ticket was #2 in the book of 50.

As always, I like to break down numbers and stats for Texas Lottery scratch tickets. So I thought it would be fun to break down the new $5 Big Winnings scratch-off ticket, by the numbers! What are the odds? What is the top prize? Scroll down to see a detailed explanation of the prize distribution.

GAME 2574 - Big Winnings

There are 75 tickets in a full book of $5 Big Winnings tickets.

The total cost of the book is $375.

The guaranteed payout on a book is $200 This means if you buy a whole book, there is a good chance of losing $175 unless you find one of those lucky ones. Here are what those odds are:

A break-even $5 winner is found at least 7 times in every book. The odds are 1 in 9.68

$10.00 winner is found at least 3 times in every book. The odds are 1 in 19.57

$15.00 winner is found at least 3 times in every book. The odds are 1 in 25

$20.00  winner is found at least 1 times in every book. The odds are 1 in 75

A $25.00 winner is found approximately 1 time in every book. The odds are 1 in 50

A $50 winner is found approximately 1 time in every book. The odds are 1 in 75

A $100  winner is found approximately 1 time  in every 5 books. The odds are 1 in 342.86

A $500 winner is found approximately 1 time in every  30 books. The odds are 1 in 2,222.22

A $1,000 winner is found approximately 1 time in every 267 books. The odds are 1 in 20,000

A $5,000 winner is found approximately 1 time in every 9,440 books. The odds are 1 in 708,000

A $200,000 jackpot winner is round approximately 1 time in every 26,600  books. The odds are 1 in 2,430,000. There are 4 top-prize tickets in this game!

*As of July 8th, 2024


All information is courtesy of the Texas Lottery website.

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Gallery Credit: Isabel Sepulveda



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