When most Victorian's think of 4th of July, we think of the Victoria Community Center Fair grounds. Not this year!  The City of Victoria Parks & Recreation is teaming up with several community partners to celebrate the United States’ birthday as well as Victoria’s birthday.

The Bicentennial 4th of July Blastoff will be celebrated at the Riverside Park Special Events Area (near Riverside Stadium) and surrounding areas of the park.

The event is sponsored by the City of Victoria, the Victoria Generals, the Texas Zoo and C&C Productions. See the live music lineup below.

Fireworks show blasts off

The fireworks show will begin at 9 p.m. The fireworks will be launched from Riverside Stadium and will be visible throughout the park.

Residents are welcome to park throughout Riverside Park to view the show. Residents may not park on the grass, except in overflow parking areas designated by Victoria Parks & Recreation.

Live music

The music lineup for the event is as follows:

·       4 p.m.: Pat Matula

·       5:30 p.m.: Rick Evans

·       7:30 p.m.: Joel Nava

Following the fireworks show, there will be acoustic performances by Stephanie Ross & the Southern Drive Band at the Special Events Area and by another artist, yet to be announced, at Riverside Stadium.

Street closures

Starting at 7 a.m., McCright Drive will close between its north and south intersections with Memorial Drive (from the Easter Island head statue to the intersection near The Texas Zoo).

The Athey Nature Trail will close to pedestrian traffic within the park during this time.