
Church Singing Doesn’t Get ANY Worse Than This!
Church Singing Doesn’t Get ANY Worse Than This!
Church Singing Doesn’t Get ANY Worse Than This!
Trust me, growing up Pentecostal in the The Smoky Mountains of Eastern Tennessee, I got to hear LOTS of gospel singing. LOTS. There was good. There was bad. Just like with any kind of music. Then there's...this. I'm not really sure what's going on in this video. I would imemdiately dismiss this as some kind of internet fake to get a few cheap laughs. But after watching my share of first "first rounds" on American Idol, I fully realize there are some UBER dillusional people in this word, when it comes to hyping their own talents. WARNING : You can't "un-see" or "un-hear" this. Once you've played this video, it will forever be lodged in your memory.
Need Some Trees on Your Property Cleared For Cheap?
Need Some Trees on Your Property Cleared For Cheap?
Need Some Trees on Your Property Cleared For Cheap?
At some point in your life, if you own land, you'll likely need a tree cleared off of your property for one reason or another. But MAN, can that get costly. Maybe you should retain the services of the guy in this video. It's bound to be cheaper and a whole lot more entertaining to watch. Check it out.
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
I don't know if it will sell any Volkswagons or not, but this commercial will definitely be one of the bigger hits of Super Bowl Sunday. Ever laid awake in bed wondering what a random pack of dogs singing the Imperial March Song from Star Wars would sound like? Well...now you can die without feeling like the good lord jipped ya. How it's done? I have no clue. Quit asking questions. Just enjoy the commercial.
Great SOPA and PIPA Protest Song [VIDEO]
Great SOPA and PIPA Protest Song [VIDEO]
Great SOPA and PIPA Protest Song [VIDEO]
By now you have probably heard a little something about SOPA and PIPA, proposed legislation that could allow corporations to control what is released on the internet. The voices against the legislation have been seen all over the place, and are likely to result seeing them shot down, for now at least. Check out this clever song parody that sums up the situation below.
Is this Gay?
Is this Gay?
Is this Gay?
This is just an honest question from an inquiring mind. Would it be a gay relationship if Rosie O'Donnel hooked up with "Chaz" Bono? I know a few of you threw up in your mouth a little. Me too. The image isn't a pretty one and I apologize for that. Sincerely. But I still want to know. Would that be considered "Gay"?
Dwarf Tossing Gone Bad
Dwarf Tossing Gone Bad
Dwarf Tossing Gone Bad
Better think twice before you toss that next dwarf. Peter Dinklage, an actor and known dwarf, while accepting his Golden Globe award, brought another dwarf's tragedy to public attention. He mentioned a guy by the name of Martin Henderson. Then told the collective viewers to "google him". What we found was a tragic story of a "big person on midget assault". Martin Henderson has been left badly injured, after being picked up and thrown outside of a bar in Southwest England. Ithink to prevent future attacks like this, we should all check out this "Dwarf Tossing" video to get a better idea of what we're dealing with here.
Memphis 40+ Years Behind
Memphis 40+ Years Behind
Memphis 40+ Years Behind
It seems like every major city in America has an MLK Blvd or Ave or St, right? Ironically Memphis hasn't...until now. Good, Lawd...It's 2012!!! Despite what happened there in April of 1968, Memphis IS 65% African American. Now I don't care one way or the other, but I was quite surprised to find out that Memphis is JUST NOW adding a street named after Martin Luther King.
Screw the Red cross…Here’s a More Useful Organization
Screw the Red cross…Here’s a More Useful Organization
Screw the Red cross…Here’s a More Useful Organization
There's an organization for everything in this country. Some that are charitable. Some that provide research statistics. Some are religious. Some that are helpful resources for staying informed. But only one that celebrates the splendor and glory that is..."The Stache". That would be the "American Mustache Institute". I swear to God, or someone like him/her, that I'm not making this one up.
Parents…Trouble With Pulling Kid’s teeth?
Parents…Trouble With Pulling Kid’s teeth?
Parents…Trouble With Pulling Kid’s teeth?
I'm fighting this battle with my five (soon to be six) year old daughter. I sent her into an overdramatic frenzy just a few days ago, attempting to pull out a tooth that wasn't as loose as I originally thought. Maybe something like this will help.

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