
Steel Panther Ventures into Cinema Parody with Cineminute
Steel Panther Ventures into Cinema Parody with Cineminute
Steel Panther Ventures into Cinema Parody with Cineminute
Heavy metal humorists (and great band, by the way) Steel Panther has something new for those of us with a warped sense of humor and a love of Rock N' Roll but this time, they're taking on iconic hollywood films. Yes, Michael Starr, Satchel, Lexxi Foxx and Stix Zidinya (say that name real fast) are doing their tongue-in-cheek best recreating scenes from hollywood movies...
Its Ninja Day!!
Its Ninja Day!!
Its Ninja Day!!
Put on your garb. Pull that collar up over your nose. Grab your weapon. Its Ninja Time, for today is Day of the Ninja. That's right, December 5th is a day dedicated towards the stealth masters who originated from ancient Japan. Fun fact: Ninjas did not necessarily wear all black clothing...
Tongue Twister Day!
Tongue Twister Day!
Tongue Twister Day!
Time for another fun holiday, and today's date is one sure to capture your attention. It is Tongue Twister Day, and you need to be ready for all those to phrases and words created to make you stumble, fumble and wreak havoc on your speech...

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