Grand Jury Clears Goliad Teacher of Alleged Abuse of 5 year Old
Seeing is believing, and video evidence was all it took for a Goliad County Grand Jury to clear an elementary school teacher who had been accused of abusing a 5 year old student by aggressively grabbing his arm and yanking him out of his seat.
District Attorney Rob Lassermann said the 52 year old teacher was cleared in November because a video camera showed the whole incident, in which criminal charges had been filed by the student's family.
The student's family claimed the teacher was overly aggressive in the situation an, in fact, the child's grandmother even works in the school cafeteria and backed up the allegations. The district attorney went on to add that the teacher removed the student from a situation where he was kicking another student, but the video the Grand jury saw shoed the teacher acted appropriately.
The teacher could have faced jail time if charged and convicted in the case.