2 Houston Store Employee’s Violently Attacked by Group of 6
Two employees were savagely attacked by a huge group of thieves inside a Houston beauty store.
An employee inside a beauty store in Houston, Texas was monitoring the store when she noticed a customer acting suspiciously. The employee walked over to confront her after she noticed a wig hidden in the customer's purse.
Store surveillance video captured the chaotic moment that broke out during the confrontation. After talking to the sticky-fingered customer, the employee tried grabbing the stolen wig, and that's when it all went downhill.
An accomplice runs up to the employee, aggressively pushes her, then punches her right in the face.
Suddenly, a male employee jumps into the frame and begins fist-fighting the man. The two suspects quickly run away, however, while that violent commotion was going on, more thieves from the same group were making their move.
On another side of the store, two other women are caught on camera removing wigs from mannequins before taking off running. In total, the store was ransacked and robbed by a group of 3 men and 3 women.
Speaking of violent crimes, there are a few Texas cities that are standing out for all the wrong reasons. We have the top 10 most violent Texas cities. The ranking was based on a few things including the percentage of violent crimes like rape, murder, and assault.
Think you know which city is the most dangerous in Texas? We'll give you a hint, it's one of the biggest cities in Texas. Find out which city is the most dangerous by CLICKING HERE.
Top Ten Most Dangerous Cities in Texas