KLUB Classic Rock 106.9 Presents: The 106 Days of Summer
KLUB Classic Rock 106.9 Presents: The 106 Days of Summer!
Chances to win great summer prize packs have arrived! Grab the free KLUB Classic Rock mobile app so you can be first to know about all the giveaways from KLUB 106.9 and our sponsors which are sure to take your summer to the next level!

Our first prize pack of the summer is yours to win from the great folks at American Detail Supply and Chick-Fil-A. Prize Pack #1 includes:
A Chick-Fil-A Victoria Prize pack featuring gift cards, cool swag from Chick-Fil-A, and a collectible Chick-Fil-A Victoria mug. This prize pack also includes some serious pampering for your ride! Get ready for summer road trips or beach adventures by enjoying $200 worth of auto detailing services from American Detail Supply! What a great way to get started. Just imagine what might be waiting in the next Days of Summer Prize Pack?!
To win you will need to register. That part is super easy. Just fill out the entry form below for your chance to claim our 1st Days of Summer prize Pack. If you have our free app, we will send you a personalized alert each time a new prize pack is introduced so you can be first to sign up! To enter simply fill out the form below!