National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is October 28th
Anybody who's ever taken prescription drugs (pretty much everybody) knows the struggle. You don't use them all before they expire and, they're left sitting in a cabinet. You don't want to risk using them, you really shouldn't just throw them in the trash and, you definitely don't want to flush them down the toilet either, because then they get into the water supply. So, how do you dispose of them safely?
You drop them off at the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Saturday, October 28th. Just swing by the Victoria County Sheriff's Office at 101 N. Glass St. in Victoria from 10am to 2pm, and any and all prescription drugs you want to get rid of will be taken, no questions asked. This program is free and completely anonymous.
For more information about the event, call the Victoria County Sheriff's Office at 361-574-8026.