New Scoreboard Installed at Riverside Stadium
A brand new scoreboard was installed at Victoria's Riverside Stadium this week.
Generation Signs of San Antonio worked on installing the scoreboard on Monday. The new scoreboard will replace the old one above the fence over in left field according to Crossroadstoday.com.
Jaymie Heibel with Victoria Parks and Rec told the folks at crossroadstoday.com that the cost of the project from Daktronics totals just over $33,000. The city's hotel/motel dollars from the HOT Fund account took care of the tab.
The scoreboard that used to be on display will now be returned to its owners at Victoria ISD. In fact, it has already been returned to VISD.
Next time you are at Riverside Park, be sure to take a look at the new board. The city of Victoria is also helping to upgrade the home team locker room at Riverside.
Earlier this week the Victoria city council discussed the renovations of the duck pond over at Riverside. It just shows the city has a lot of folks focused on upgrades and improvements at the park, which is a win for everyone in the crossroads.