Prevent Auto Theft With Free VIN Etching
I have a staggering statistic for you. Every five and a half minutes a car is stolen in the Lone Star State. That's hard to believe but, it's true. Knowing how much we love and depend on our cars, it would totally suck to find yours missing. Short of expensive alarm systems, what's a great way to prevent that from happening? VIN Etching.
VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number and, every motor vehicle has one. VIN etching involves etching that unique number into your car's window glass, which makes it a lot less desirable to thieves because it forces them to to take extra time and spend more money to replace the vehicle's windows.
Saturday (December 5th1) from 9am to 12 noon, you can get free VIN etching on your vehicle's windows, courtesy of the Victoria Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit. The event will be at Parkway Baptist Church at 4802 John Stockbauer Drive in Victoria.
For more information, contact the Crime Prevention Unit at (361)-485-3808 or, stop by their office in Victoria Mall.
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