Rain Threat Postpones Coors Light Rocktober Street Dance
Good news, bad news. First, the bad. Due to the threat of rain, the Coors Light Rocktober Street Dance has been postponed until Thursday, November 8th. The good news? We're happy to reort that the ultimate Kiss tribute band Rock and Roll Over will still be there to rock Deleon Plaza! This Kiss tribute from Dallas is so good, they were named by Kiss themselves as one of the top tributes in the nation.
Are you ready? The rescheduled date is Thursday, November 8th (can we refer to it as Rockvember?) it's the Coors Light Rocktober Street Dance at Deleon Plaza, downtown Victoria.
It starts at 7 pm, it's totally free, and there's plenty of ice-cold Coors Light and other beverages available so, nobody's going home thirsty. Beverage sales will benefit Adopt-A-Pet of Victoria. We'll also have for Coors Yeti coolers and other cool swag to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, a charity near and dear to our hearts. Plenty of food trucks will be there, too.
Are you ready for it? Check out some Rock and Roll Over!
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