Report Says Lone Star State Not the Greatest for Children
A new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation puts Texas near the bottom of the list when it comes to taking care of our kids.
The '2017 Kids Count Data Book' says that Texas is ranked only 41st in the nation in four key areas-health, education, economic well-being and family & community.
The statistics are put together by the Center for Public Policy Priorities in Austin, and according to a research analyst at the center, the report shows "an under investment in children's futures from our state legislature."
According to the report, 28% of children live in families where no parent has a year-round full time job.
Health care was another category where the state does poorly, coming in at 48th for children not covered by insurance.
On a positive note, Texas is tied for 3rd in the best percentage of high school students graduating on time.
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