Do you find yourself with a little extra spending money, a little bit of spare time and not wanting to go anywhere? Times like that call for a good chilllax. Chillaxing is a very important part of our lives. Its where we just take some time for ourselves and do as little as possible...
Summer is flask season: they're great for outdoor concerts, for afternoons in the park, for adding a dash of rum to your coke while you sit on the beach, among many other warmer-weather activities. We found you five.
Ever wondered if there was some secret trick that would enable you to drink everything you wanted but avoid ending up a drunken, slurring mess? Well, now we know the answer.
The amount of people ditching work on the first few days of the NCAA tournament will probably cripple the economy. The country will make up for the workforce stoppage by spending all our money on beer to drink during the games. See how it all balances out? For we are a nation who shall always persevere.