A horrifying video caught the life-saving moment a heroic citizen risked everything to save the life of an injured officer during a shootout on a busy Houston highway.
SNL hasn't been too political in recent months, but last night's cold open saw the show jump right back into current events, taking on all of the recent movement on gun control laws...or lack thereof. In true SNL fashions, both sides of the debate come out looking pretty moronic.
Arch-conservative rocker and reality TV star Ted Nugent hasn't been shy about his stance on gun control, and now the avid hunter and gun enthusiast has shared his thoughts on the matter with Vice President Joe Biden. In an open letter published by the conservative-leaning Washington Times, Nugent offers his service to Biden's newly-appointed commission to end gun violence, while insisting -- surpr
Gun control has always been a major issue of debate in America — right up alongside the more recently heated topics of abortion, same-sex marriage and health care — but the tragic shooting of 71 people during a Colorado theater’s showing of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ has given this controversy a brand new spotlight.