
5 Exercises That Will Improve Your Heart Health
5 Exercises That Will Improve Your Heart Health
5 Exercises That Will Improve Your Heart Health
You listen to weather updates so you know how to dress. You wash your hands so you don't get the flu. You wear your seatbelt to keep you safe in the car. You are a prevention machine. But are you working to prevent the number one cause of death for both men and women, heart disease? For American Heart Month, we're focusing on ways to avoid this preventable disease. If you want to keep your heart h
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
After last year's flu season, which health officials say was one of the mildest in the past 30 years, the illness is back with a vengeance. Well, if you're unlucky enough to currently have the flu, at least a new Facebook app can help track down the diseased jerk who gave it to you in the first place.
Reason 2,423,877 to Quit Smoking: It Ruins Sleepy Time
Reason 2,423,877 to Quit Smoking: It Ruins Sleepy Time
Reason 2,423,877 to Quit Smoking: It Ruins Sleepy Time
As the surgeon general helpfully details on every pack of cigarettes, there are many health problems associated with smoking. But here's a new one: Smoking can cause restless nights. German researchers surveyed the sleep habits of 1,100 smokers and 1,200 non-smokers...
Can Being Too Fat Actually Be Healthier Than Being Too Thin?
Can Being Too Fat Actually Be Healthier Than Being Too Thin?
Can Being Too Fat Actually Be Healthier Than Being Too Thin?
Much ink has been spilled about studies detailing the health risks associated with being overweight. And while there is no doubt that severe obesity can lead to a litany of medical problems, a new study suggests that moderately overweight people are still pretty healthy. So, what’s the skinny on this phenomenon?
Would You Eat a Fart if It Was Good for Your Health?
Would You Eat a Fart if It Was Good for Your Health?
Would You Eat a Fart if It Was Good for Your Health?
Your inner 12-year-old is about to get a big health boost, because Chinese researchers believe that eating farts could be good for you. Start pulling fingers, because while this seems like 7th Grade lunch table talk, there may be something to it. Besides the smell.
‘More Fish… Less Alzheimer’s,’ Says New Research — Health Check
‘More Fish… Less Alzheimer’s,’ Says New Research — Health Check
‘More Fish… Less Alzheimer’s,’ Says New Research — Health Check
Researchers have narrowed down the task of warding off Alzheimer’s disease into a simple one — eating more fish. In a new study, 260 people with an average age of 71 were followed to see how much fish they ate and how it was prepared. The results showed those who ate baked or broiled fish on at least a weekly basis were much less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or mild mental impairment. Re

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