The investigation into Kevin's death has been extensive. There have been ups and downs. Back in 2018, police thought they identified a suspect. As of now, there are no suspects in this case.
Texas doesn't have a certain number of points for running a red light or speeding like some states, but it does keep track of violations and assesses points, which are used to levy surcharges on drivers. Doing any of these ten things will cost you your Texas Driver's License.
Most people I know are responsible drivers. They observe traffic laws, they drive safely, they carry insurance, and they do the right thing if they are involved in an accident. Unfortunately, that's not the case for a lot of people, and that's thestory with this week's Victoria Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week...
When I lived in New Mexico some 20 years ago, I rode a motorcycle for my daily transportation. Unfortunately, too many close calls with idiot drivers forced me to sell my bike and get a car before I got seriously injured. It's bad enough that a lot of people on the road don't pay enough attention to their surroundings and motorcycles in particular, but when a driver causes an accident with a motor
Hit and run. We've had way too many of these incidents in recent months, some even resulting in death. With traffic heavier every day, we as drivers need to be extra cautious around pedestrians. Which brings us to this week's Victoria Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week...
This week, Victoria Crime Stoppers needs your help solving a hit-and-run traffic accident.
On September 2nd, a green car pulled out in front of a motorcycle on 100 Glascow Street and caused a vehicle crash. The driver of the car drove his vehicle from the scene and did not check on the welfare of the motorcyclist...
There seems to have been a rash of pedestrians being hit by cars lately, which is always tragic but, when one of the victims is a child, it's that much worse.
You've probably heard about the 11 year old boy who was struck by a car in Bloomington last week by a hit and run driver...
A recent story about millionaire Ryan LeVin bypassing jail time with the help of money has infuriated people in his home state of Florida and across the U.S., as well.
In February 2010, while racing his Porsche against a friend's BMW in Fort Lauderdale, he ran into and killed two British tourists and then fled the scene.