
Adorable Kid Goes Wild on Xylophone in Class Concert
Adorable Kid Goes Wild on Xylophone in Class Concert
Adorable Kid Goes Wild on Xylophone in Class Concert
If only something this entertaining happened at every primary school band concert. Usually it's just kids blowing half-heartedly into recorders while the audience longs for the sweet release of death. But not this time. This time there is a xylophone bashing maniac onstage, and it is the most glorious thing we've ever seen.
12 Babies and Puppies Who Are Best Friends
12 Babies and Puppies Who Are Best Friends
12 Babies and Puppies Who Are Best Friends
Puppies and babies top our list of the cutest things in the entire world. They're both pint-size bundles of adorableness that instantly distract us in any given situation (see: tiny puppies or videos of munchkins). But did you know there's something out there even better than said distractions? Even more charming than dogs or tots? Well there is, and it comes in the form of babies being best frien
Milk in My Sippy Cup [VIDEO]
Milk in My Sippy Cup [VIDEO]
Milk in My Sippy Cup [VIDEO]
Oh, those creative parents. Take a bunch of video of your kid playing in the yard, beating on different objects, and drinking milk from a sippy cup, and then add some music and what do you have? Internet gold! Well, maybe only silver.
10 Babies Ringing in the New Year
10 Babies Ringing in the New Year
10 Babies Ringing in the New Year
The holidays might be winding down, but that doesn't mean we can put our feet up and slip into a post-festivities food coma just yet. T-minus three days until New Year's Eve, and you know what that means-- it's time to get your party on!
Little Girl Seriously Cannot Say Banana
Little Girl Seriously Cannot Say Banana
Little Girl Seriously Cannot Say Banana
Is this video adorable? Or is this kid just not even trying? We're going to stick with adorable, since Christmas wasn't too long ago. She can say apple, but this little girl can't say banana. At all. We'd like to hear her try some other fruits, because if any of them are as bad as this, well, that will be a great day for the internet...
Watch This Kid’s Priceless Reaction to His Christmas Present
Watch This Kid’s Priceless Reaction to His Christmas Present
Watch This Kid’s Priceless Reaction to His Christmas Present
The holiday season is usually a momentous time for laughs, cheers and smiles, but this kid's reaction, while still happy, was a little different. He might not have been too psyched over that initial gift, appearing a bit apathetic, but the second one surely got to him, resulting in a response no one expected -- especially the parents.
Young Cancer Patient Has Heartwarming Meeting With His Wrestling Hero
Young Cancer Patient Has Heartwarming Meeting With His Wrestling Hero
Young Cancer Patient Has Heartwarming Meeting With His Wrestling Hero
Professional wrestlers may seem like tough guys, but underneath their shiny spandex outfits and long, flowing hair (clearly a sign of ultimate masculinity), they have hearts of gold. Daniel Bryan, for example, recently met with a seven-year-old boy who has had brain cancer for almost four years, and says he's Bryan's biggest fan. It's okay if you need to go grab some Kleenex before you look at the

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