An Austin American Stateman photographer is suing the owners of UT's mascot, BEVO, for an incident during 2019's Sugar Bowl pregame between UT and Georgia.
The city council in the town of West has accepted $10.44 million dollars to settle its claims against the defendants, which include makers and suppliers of ammonium nitrate, the explosive fertilizer involved in the blast.
On Labor Day weekend, around 300 teenagers threw a party at a vacant farmhouse in Stephentown, New York. They trashed the residence, stole property and caused an estimated $20,000 in damage, all the while posting pictures and comments on various social media. Incredibly, this is not what the teens' parents are upset about.
The drum rollercoaster has become a major attraction at Motley Crue‘s live shows, but there’s someone ready to challenge the notion that Tommy Lee or the band came up with the idea on their own.
If you think the famous Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have the hottest backsides in the football team’s stadium, think again. In fact, one woman’s butt was so hot, she’s suing the organization.
More and more employers are now encouraging lunch breaks as a means for promoting health and creativity. However, workers for AT&T in Indiana claim the only thing creative about their lunch break is the “heavy restrictions” the company is putting on them.