Solo. That’s the title of the upcoming Star Wars Story spinoff that follows the adventures of a young Han Solo, played by Alden Ehrenreich. After months of speculation, a change in directors, and reshoots, Ron Howard finally revealed the official title of the project — formerly operating under the working title “Red Cup” — on his Twitter account today in a special message to fans.
It’s getting progressively more difficult to find anything of value to say when Ron Howard teases more behind-the-scenes photos from the Han Solo set. On the one hand, we get it, Opie, you’re deeply immersed in the Star Wars universe and doing all kinds of cool [expletive] and we’re not. On the other hand, though, we’ve reached a point where our collective interest in little tidbits is starting to wane. Let me put it to you like this: I love a good tapas restaurant as much as the next guy, right? But sometimes you just want the full three-course meal.