In the wake of some recent controversial sexual education demonstrations in the classroom, one that actually involved a sex toy, the state of Tennessee has now passed the strictest pro-abstinence sex education law in the nation.
It seems like every major city in America has an MLK Blvd or Ave or St, right? Ironically Memphis hasn't...until now.
Good, Lawd...It's 2012!!! Despite what happened there in April of 1968, Memphis IS 65% African American. Now I don't care one way or the other, but I was quite surprised to find out that Memphis is JUST NOW adding a street named after Martin Luther King.
Of course, a sexual offender can look like many things. But this guy is classic. I bet he drives a non-descript, white van full of candy and old Disney VHS tapes. He probably looks for kids with their names on their shirt, so he can call them by name. "Hey Timmy, your mom couldn't make it today, so she asked me to come pick you up at school today. so, c'mon...get in the van".
As of July 1, it will be a crime in the state of Tennessee to use somebody else's login information on sites like Netflix and Rhapsody.
While the legislation is primarily aimed at hackers who steal and sell passwords in bulk, the bill's sponsor Rep...