
Need Some Trees on Your Property Cleared For Cheap?
Need Some Trees on Your Property Cleared For Cheap?
Need Some Trees on Your Property Cleared For Cheap?
At some point in your life, if you own land, you'll likely need a tree cleared off of your property for one reason or another. But MAN, can that get costly. Maybe you should retain the services of the guy in this video. It's bound to be cheaper and a whole lot more entertaining to watch. Check it out.
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
Super Bowl is Two Weeks Away…Let the Commercial Leaks Begin
I don't know if it will sell any Volkswagons or not, but this commercial will definitely be one of the bigger hits of Super Bowl Sunday. Ever laid awake in bed wondering what a random pack of dogs singing the Imperial March Song from Star Wars would sound like? you can die without feeling like the good lord jipped ya. How it's done? I have no clue. Quit asking questions. Just enjoy the commercial.
Dwarf Tossing Gone Bad
Dwarf Tossing Gone Bad
Dwarf Tossing Gone Bad
Better think twice before you toss that next dwarf. Peter Dinklage, an actor and known dwarf, while accepting his Golden Globe award, brought another dwarf's tragedy to public attention. He mentioned a guy by the name of Martin Henderson. Then told the collective viewers to "google him". What we found was a tragic story of a "big person on midget assault". Martin Henderson has been left badly injured, after being picked up and thrown outside of a bar in Southwest England. Ithink to prevent future attacks like this, we should all check out this "Dwarf Tossing" video to get a better idea of what we're dealing with here.
Parents…Trouble With Pulling Kid’s teeth?
Parents…Trouble With Pulling Kid’s teeth?
Parents…Trouble With Pulling Kid’s teeth?
I'm fighting this battle with my five (soon to be six) year old daughter. I sent her into an overdramatic frenzy just a few days ago, attempting to pull out a tooth that wasn't as loose as I originally thought. Maybe something like this will help.
Can You Guess These TV Theme Songs?
Can You Guess These TV Theme Songs?
Can You Guess These TV Theme Songs?
This musical ensemble ismaking quite the splash on youtube. They perform 15 famous TV theme songs in a two minute medley. Pretty cool. Check it out and see if you can name them all. You might have to watch and listen twice.
One Last Christmas Video to Make You Laugh
One Last Christmas Video to Make You Laugh
One Last Christmas Video to Make You Laugh
I had to do it. Pretty funn ystuff here. The people at put together some of the funniest vids on the web. This video, starring Jim Carrey, Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes & More, is no exception. Check it out. WARNING : FOUL LANGUAGE. Not suitable for work or children.
Tebow May Host SNL
Tebow May Host SNL
Tebow May Host SNL
Peyton Manning did it. Tom Brady did it. THAT, my friend, is pretty elite company. SNL is reportedly set to ask tim tebow to host SNL. Sources say that he "can't" and "won't" til after the season, but likely will accept the offer. For a guy that "will never be an NFL Quarterback", like tebow, he's sure doing well for himself. Have you seen the "controversial" Tebow Spoof that SNL did last week? If not, prepare for a laugh! Here's the vid.
Hope You Didn’t just Eat!
Hope You Didn’t just Eat!
Hope You Didn’t just Eat!
They're old. Probably smell funny too. And they really have no business dancing and lip synching in, of all places, a Wal Mart. I can't quite wrap my brain around it yet. I'm trying though. If gyrating old ladies make you queasy...don't watch this video.

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