Texans Buzzing About Pickle Bouquets For Valentine’s Day
You either kind of love pickles or ya don't like them at all. As we close in on Valentine's Day, Texans who love pickles are talking about a different kind of bouquet to give to the ones they care about on February 14th.
The pickle bouquet is trending in Texas, and across the nation. So long to the roses, and hello to a basket full of pickles on a stick!
Sure, we have all seen edible arrangments for various occasions, but the pickle bouquet is definitely going to score you points for originality. Especially if your love is a fan of this popular Texas snack. Sweet or sour, mix and match, and be sure to store it in the fridge so it won't wither and die after day 1.
It's fun, it's different, but who exactly came up with this? We can thank a pickle company out of Boston called Grillo's Pickles. Their pitch is that the pickle bouquets are more healthy than chocolate, and maybe even more memorable. Personally, the only kind of pickles I reach for are actually pickle relish at the ballpark. While a pickle bouquet might get re-gifted by me, it would be perfect for someone who loves Grillo's 100-year-old recipe that throws in cucumbers, dill, salt, water, garlic, vinegar, and grape leaves. Grillo's can be found in a ton of grocery stores all over the country, so if you can't order a pickle bouquet in time, you can certainly make your own.
Fans of Sonic's pickle slushie are stoked, as are the people who actually liked the pickle-flavored cheesecake that swept the internet not long ago. For some help on making your own pickle bouquet, check out this walk-through from the Youtube channel Moms Cherished Home. Happy snacking!

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