Train Smashes into 18-Wheeler That Was Stuck on Tracks in Luling
Destructive Train Crash
The city of Luling was shocked after a serious crash occurred Sunday, August 29. Around 2:30 pm traffic on US 183 witnessed a destructive train crash.
An 18-wheeler carrying what seems to be a turbine wing was making a right turn from US 183 in Luling, Texas, and got stuck. The wing seems to be stuck somewhere which prevented the 18-wheeler from clearing the train tracks.
Video of the Crash
Videos floating around Facebook reveal the scary crash as it happened. One video caught the crash from the front view of the 18-wheeler. It showed the moment the railroad bars came down, signaling a train was moments away. Not shortly after the 18-wheeler can be seen hurrying off trying to force its load across the track.
Desperate and Swift Moves
The truck driver made a swift move to force his trailer off the tracks, causing it to strike the railroad bar equipment in a desperate attempt to clear the tracks.
Unfortunately, the trailer could not be cleared, and was instantly struck by the oncoming train. The caused the truck to turn over and slam the trailer it was hauling into a nearby farmers market.
In the blink of an eye, cars and the nearby market were crushed by the turbine wing that got dragged and flipped on impact. Luling Police have reported no injuries, according to Fox News 7.
Another Video Reveals a Different View
Another video posted on Facebook shows a different angle of the crash. A man who was at a nearby gas station was caught moments before and after the crash.
Turbine Caught and Stuck
The turbine wing seems to be caught somewhere during a right turn onto the train track, and you can see the truck driver struggle to get the trailer over and out of harm's way. Just seconds before the train crashes into the load the truck driver tries to speed off, but the turbine couldn't make it and immediately gets crushed.
We Will Continue To Update
Moments later, a police car comes speeding onto the scene. The scary scene was witnessed by many. As of now, there are no serious injuries, but we will keep you updated as more information is released.
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