Victoria County Early Voting is Off the Chain
That's what the kids say, right? Translating, it means that the numbers of early voters in the county have far exceeded all expectations.
According to elections officials, over 11,000 early votes have been cast in the November 6th midterm elections. By comparison, by the second day of early voting that began last week, the number of people who cast their ballots in person had already beaten the numbers of early voters in the entire first week of the previous midterm election in 2014.
The record numbers are being reported across the state. Here in Victoria County, voters will cast their ballots in the races for governor, U.S. senator and U.S. representative in District 27.
There have been some errors reported by voters who say some of their straight-party votes may have been changed. Some reports are that the error is actually because voters are not double-checking their final votes before submitting. Officials say voters should check carefully that they are pressing the correct levers and finalizing their votes.
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