Victoria Water Goes Back to Chloramines Purification Process
If your city water seems any different beginning next week, it's probably because the City of Victoria is returning their water purification process back to Chloramines this Sunday.
Once each year, the city uses a free chlorine purification process for about a month to treat water at the treatment plant, and that means dialysis patients have to change the pretreatment process for their machines, but will need to change it back next week. The change also affects people who condition water for aquariums.
The chloramine process, which has been in use in the state since 2001, requires the annual change as recommended by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
Residents who have quaetions about the change can Director of Public Works Donald Reese at 361-485-3380 or, Surface Water Treatment Plant Manager David Burger at 361-485-3315.
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