There are so many items for sale on Craigslist from virtually any category that you can think of. The usual suspects include cars, trucks, musical instruments, furniture, appliances, you name it. There is also a free section where people just want to get rid of things like old furniture, lumber, tires and wheels, dogs and cats and other items. Sometimes you run across some unusual items, and here's one I got a kick out of.

The ad states: "This is opened, about 3/4 full. Evidently my kids don't use it any more. Expires April, 2018. Full container has ~ 19 servings, so there's probably 14-15 servings left. Front porch pick up. Please indicate day & approximate pick up time when responding to this post. Preference will be given to earliest pick up."
Weird. I wonder if they would let me sample it first.I'll bring my own milk.

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