What Was the Hottest Day in Victoria’s History?
We are only in June and the heat is absolutely brutal right now. According to Crossroadstoday, they recorded a high for today of 101 degrees, breaking the old record of 100 degrees back in 1925. So far, today is the 2nd hottest day of the year. On June 4th, the recorded high was 102 degrees. But what is the hottest day ever recorded in Victoria? See a list of the hottest days in Victoria's history below.
According to extremeweatherwatch.com The hottest day in Victoria's history was recorded on September 5th, 2000. The temperature hit 111 degrees and I don't even want to imagine what the heat index was. The second hottest day was the day before at 104 degrees.
1 111 °F September 5, 2000
2 110 °F September 4, 2000
3 109 °F June 29, 2013
3 109 °F August 28, 2011
5 108 °F June 26, 2012
6 107 °F August 13, 1962
6 107 °F July 26, 1954
8 106 °F June 25, 2012
8 106 °F August 29, 2011
8 106 °F August 27, 2011
8 106 °F June 14, 1998
8 106 °F August 16, 1948
According to the 10-day forecast, there is no relief in the near future. The temperature will be around or over 100 for at least the next 10-days with very little rain in the forecast.

What about the coldest day in Victoria's history? While it was extremely cold last February during the historic cold weather. It did not bring us the coldest day in Victoria's weather history. The temperature hit 13 degrees on February 15th, 2021. The coldest day in Victoria's history was recorded on December 23, 1989, at 9 degrees.
1 9 °F December 23, 1989
2 12 °F January 31, 1949
3 13 °F February 15, 2021
4 14 °F December 25, 1983
4 14 °F January 11, 1982
6 15 °F February 16, 2021
6 15 °F December 30, 1983
6 15 °F February 2, 1951
9 16 °F December 24, 1989
9 16 °F December 22, 1989
9 16 °F January 12, 1962
9 16 °F January 30, 1949
13 17 °F January 9, 2010
13 17 °F December 24, 1983
13 17 °F January 2, 1979
13 17 °F January 24, 1963
13 17 °F February 1, 1951
18 18 °F December 26, 1983
18 18 °F January 10, 1962
20 19 °F February 2, 1985
20 19 °F January 21, 1985
20 19 °F January 8, 1976
20 19 °F January 11, 1962