The 4th of July is right around the corner, and it's one of my favorite holidays not just because we celebrate America's independence, but because of how we celebrate. Backyard barbecues, a day at the beach, live music, fireworks, and people of all stripes coming together to celebrate our great nation. Fireworks are a big part of it, and there are plenty of events scheduled throughout the Crossroads. Here's a quick rundown.

Saturday, June 30th

Fish fry, Dance and Fireworks Show-4:30-12midnight, Wilson Heard Park, Admission is free, but plates are $9

Wednesday, July 4th

Miller Lite Blastoff-6-10:30pm, Victoria Community Center. Admission is free. Music by Wade Bowen and the Scott Taylor Band.

4th of July Fireworks Over the Water-7-9:30pm, Coleto Creek Park, Admission is $10 per vehicle, Goliad residents free after 7pm with proof of residence.

Star Spangled Bay Bash-12noon-10pm, Bayfront Peninsula, Port Lavaca. Admission is free. Live music from The Spazmatics, Jerry James Band and the Tainted Heart Band.

Cuero 4th of July Celebration-9:30am-2pm; 9:30pm, Cuero Municipal Park, Admission is free.

4th of July Celebration in Tivoli-10:30am, admission is free, but plates are $10.

Saturday, July 7th

Fireworks Display at Port O'Connor-10am-9pm, King Fisher Beach, admission is free.

Edna Independence Day Celebration-9am-11pm, Brackenridge Recreation Complex, admission is free.

4th of July in Point Comfort-noon Friday through Sunday, Point Comfort Bayfront, admission is free.


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