Expected Behavior at Voting Polls for 2020 Election
If you plan on casting your vote by physically going to the polls this year, there are expected rules for you to follow.
Though this voting season looks different than any we’ve ever experienced, some rules stay the same as more are being introduced due to the pandemic. Although Americans have the right to free speech, according to the Harris County Clerks’ Office: electioneering is not allowed.
Electioneering can be considered as wearing something visually supporting a particular candidate and you will be asked to change the positioning of whatever article it may be that you have on. Essentially, to make sure you’re in the safe zone, it’s best to refrain from wearing anything referencing politics. Secondly, as you may be familiar with, your phone may not be visible or audibly heard as you cast your vote. If you are a licensed gun owner, you may not take your weapon with you to any polling site.
As far as wearing masks goes and while it is highly encouraged to do so, The Texas Secretary of State directly states, “There is no authority under Texas law to require voters to wear face coverings when presenting to vote. However, election officials should make efforts to communicate to voters that wearing face coverings is strongly encouraged, including through posted signs.”
If you have questions regarding locations where you can vote early or about which buildings are requiring facemasks upon entry, you can contact the Victoria County Elections Office at 361-576-0124. Thanks to our great intern Lorin Walker for her fact-finding with the Victoria Elections Office.