Five Finger Death Punch Front Man Ivan Moody is Leaving the Band For Good
During a recent radio interview, Five Finger Death Punch lead singer Ivan Moody revealed that at the end of 2017 he will be leaving the band for good to focus on his new band Villain.
If you recall, last December, Moody left FFDP mid tour with what he admits was a meltdown explaining "I was like Kanye without the money". Moody also goes on to explain "To be completely honest with you, Death Punch and I have kind of come to a crossroads. We're very proud of what we've done - years and years and years of work… It's time for us to take our way and go do something else, so after this year... my new band, Villain... I'm so excited."
As I stated earlier, Moody will remain with the band until the end of the year to fulfill already booked obligations but after that...bye bye FFDP.
The band has yet to release a statement.
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