Give the Gift of Life Today at Peter Piper Pizza
When tragedy struck Orlando, people rallied to help any way they could. One way they did this was by donating blood to help the victims of the shooting. Here in the crossroads, the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center also contributed by sending sending blood supplies they had on hand to help. As a result, and along with the fact that blood supplies run low in the summer, our local supplies are critically low, but you can help.
Today (Friday, June 24th) from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., South Texas Blood & Tissue Center will have a bloodmobile set up at Peter Piper Pizza at 3603 N. Navarro in Victoria ready to take your donations. Just for donating, you'll get a wellness checkup, a special t-shirt, a free lunch buffet coupon and a free soft-serve cone coupon from Peter Piper Pizza.
There is a critical shortage of all blood types so, please take the short time to stop by and donate. If you just can't make it Friday, stop by the South Texas blood & Tissue Center on Sam Houston during regular hours.
Give blood, save lives.
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