How is the Economy Doing in Texas?
While the nation's economy was struggling to rebound in recent years, Texas was always ahead of the national average with lower unemployment numbers. Those numbers are changing as the state unemployment rate is now at 5%, which is slightly higher than the national average of 4.4%. Which leads me to wonder which states have the best and worst economies, and how we compare. A recent study by the website WalletHub shows Texas is better than most but, had plenty of room for improvement.
Based on statistics ranging from GDP growth to startup activity and other factors, Texas is ranked 20th on the list. The Lone Star State came in at 19th in economic activity rank, 15th in economic health and 21st in economic potential.
The report goes on to show the state is tied with neighboring Louisiana for 1st in most exports per capita so, I figure we've got that going for us.
For the full report, click here.
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