San Antonio BBQ Favorite Announces Expansion
Hey Victorian foodies, if you have had the itch to recently get out of the house, or even town, take a trip on down to San Antonio and enjoy your favorite special at Bill Millers’ B-B-Q before they expand! Project details on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations’ website say that there’s new headquarters for the San Antonio-based food chain planned to be built off State Highway 151 near the JBSA-Lackland base.
The cost for the new headquarters is going to be around 60 million dollars and construction is to begin on January 4th, 2021. It seems as this 335,000 square foot, two-story building will be big enough to conjure up possible new ideas for the chains’ menu. This has not yet been confirmed by the chain but I’m sure the thought runs wild through the brains of Bill Miller B-B-Q enthusiasts alike. Bill Miller with only a $500 dollar loan from his father opened an egg and small poultry business back in 1950 and the chain has been growing ever since. In 1953, Bill Miller B-B-Q became a to-go restaurant for fried chicken, which led to the addition of hamburgers on the menu, finally leading to barbecue! 10 years later, the second restaurant opened and now the chain consists of 76 Bill Miller B-B-Q restaurants in total.
Who knows what will happen next? To read more about the chain and their background or find locations near San Antonio that are waiting for you, visit them online.

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