Top Ten Foods Victorians Like Better Burned

Well folks, you replied BIG TIME, and thanks to our Question of the Day we now know the answer to life's most 'burning' question... " What do you like to eat that just tastes better burned?"
We laughed out loud, as a few of our listeners replied, NOTHING!
LOL but for those that DO like certain foods better burned, here are YOUR top ten answers to our Q of the D. Did you know there is an actual National Burn End of Bacon Day? Yep, June 29th. Mark your calendars!
And, be sure to check our station Facebooks pages every morning to be a part of the Q of the D conversation. Today we asked what is the WORST thing you've ever stepped on!
We love to hear from you, in fact, it's one of the highlights of being your DJ!
Crossroads Top Ten " Better Burned" Foods
Do you know the Ten Commandments of the Crossroads? There is a space for you to add your commandment ideas as well!
The First Ten Crossroads Commandments
And speaking of Q of the D, what is your favorite thrill ride? Here are DJ Jp's
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