You read that right.....There is still time to enter to win a $500 shopping spree in the School’s in Session giveaway! If you win, it's choose which sponsor’s prize you like, from Bedbutler’s, Jade & Madalynn Bridal Boutique, Victoria All-Sports, Days Gone Bye, Dick’s Food Store or Noot’s Thai kitchen.

Imagine $500 in free groceries from Dick's Food Store....That's A LOT of groceries. Or $500 to get ready for deer season at Victoria All Sports. Have a wedding coming up? Imagine how far $500 will go towards the dress of your dreams! Or $500 for that perfect piece of furniture at Bedbutlers! Or $500 to spend at Days Gone Bye! Or even $500 to Noot's Thai Kitchen....that's a bunch of date night dinners. But you can't win unless you enter here

But hurry! Time is running out!

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