Victoria County Sheriff Arrests 11 Following Bailout Near Airport

The holiday weekend ended with a busy Monday morning for the Victoria County Sheriff's Office after another bailout scenario occurred out near the Victoria airport.
Monday Bailout Near the Victoria Airport
It's another report of undocumented immigrants moving to the north and away from the Texas/Mexico border into the communities in the Crossroads. The bailout took place early Monday according to information from the Sheriff's office, and a brief report from Crossroadstoday.com.
Victoria County Sheriff's Office Makes 11 Arrests
The Sheriff's Office posted an alert early Monday to social media that described as many as 12 undocumented individuals involved in the bailout. By mid-morning, the Sheriff's department had reporting arresting 8 individuals along with the driver of the vehicle who will now face charges for human smuggling.
By 9:20 A.M. Monday the Sheriff's office had arrested 8 individuals, and just before 10 A.M. reports came in that all individuals who were part of the 'bailout' had been placed into custody. The Victoria County Sheriff's Facebook page reports that the undocumented individuals placed under arrest all appear to be of a group of Honduran immigrants.
Reports are On the Rise in the Crossroads
This is the second vehicle full of undocumented immigrants in just the past week to be stopped in Victoria County. Last week, six men were arrested in Victoria County and returned to Border Patrol when a Victoria County Deputy pulled over an SUV near Chubbys on US 77 which was discovered to be stolen from Houston and carrying seven undocumented immigrants who entered the country illegaly. You can read the update on that arrest with the button below.
If you think you have discovered a bailout situation going on in Victoria County, police urge residents not to get involved and to simply dial 9-1-1 to report exactly what you have seen. Keep a safe distance and let the police handle the matter.
We send out an extra thank you to officers throughout the Crossroads who are working overtime on the numerous bailouts that are happening right now in most counties throughout the region. Thank you for doing all you can to keep us safe.
Shout out to John Clegg who emailed and asked me to refer to those arrested by a different designation.