Beware the H-E-B Facebook Scam
You see a lot of special promotions on Facebook and other social media all the time but, are they really legit? Recently one popped up that promised a $200 voucher to 1,000 customers of the H-E-B grocery chain. The 'promotion' was supposedly in celebration of the store's birthday. Unfortunately, this is another attempt to scam people out of money.
The post asks people to give scammers their email address and answer a few questions. Clicking on the post would take you to a website that appears authentic, but definitely isn't.
According to the Better Business bureau, the web address is not secure, as evidenced by the lack of the 'https://' at the beginning, which indicates a secure site. The bureau also noted the text on the site has lots of grammatical errors, and in a real example of sloppiness, the site also shows a photo complete with a finger of the photographer in it. The page also had a paragraph that was grammatically incorrect, and read like a bad translation from another language.
For more info on scams and how to protect yourself, visit the Better business Bureau here.
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