Deadline to Register to Vote in Primaries Fast Approaching
Like they say, if you don't like they way things are and you don't exercise your right to vote, you have no room to complain. Keep that in mind and consider it an incentive to to vote in the upcoming Texas Primaries.
The first primaries of the year are set for March 6th and the deadline to be registered to vote in them is February 5th,
These primaries are for both Republican and Democratic races for U.S. Senate with incumbent Ted Cruz facing 4 challengers, while Democrats have U.S. Rep Beto O'Rourke of El Paso in the race.
In order to register, Texans need to submit an application at least 30 days in advance of the March 6th election at the county voter's registration office. Forms can be picked up at most post offices, libraries and schools. You can also print one out from the state's website.
Early voting starts February 20th.