Senate Bill 797 Asks Schools to Display ‘In God We Trust’ Signs
It was back in November of 2011 when the House of Representatives in Washington voted 396 to 9 in favor of re-establishing "In God We Trust" as the National Motto of these United States.
In 2021, Texas is ready to strengthen support for this 'National Motto' with Senate Bill 797. The bill was written by Sen. Bryan Hughes of Mineola and asks that any school with "a poster or framed copy of the motto donated to it would be required to display it in a conspicuous place in each building of the school" according to a story shared by KENS5.com, and by the Texas Tribune.

Senate Bill 797 Has Already Passed the Texas Senate
While the timing for this bill may seem a little strange with so many other things going on in the world we are talking about the National Motto. Growing up I was lucky enough to go to a school where we stood and said the pledge of allegiance together with one voice every single morning. Signs like "In God, We Trust" did hang in our schools and most people felt they absolutely belonged on display. Here in Texas, our Senate still feels that way, and the Texas House passed Bill 797 with a voice vote just yesterday.
How Big Will The Signs Be?
There was an attempt to limit the size of the "In God, We Trust" signs to one square foot but that amendment failed. I'm guessing this means that without a size limitation, the 'donor' may be able to drop off a larger-than-life billboard, but let's hope that folks keep things reasonable. I'm sure there will be additional info about these specs in the days to come should the bill pass in the House. Many expect this bill to receive final approval today and be delivered to Governor Abbott for his signature.
Which Schools Would Display an "In God We Trust" Signs?
Both KENS5.com and the Texas Tribune mention that the bill would include Texas public schools and universities. If a campus included multiple buildings, the wording of the bill seems to indicate a donor could make a sign available for each building on a given campus. This bill was given support by the Texas Faith & Freedom Coalition and the Texas Republican Party. It was opposed by the League of Women Voters of Texas and Texas Impact.
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