What Was that Song I Just Heard on KLUB Rock 106.9?
You're cruising around cranking up the jams on KLUB Rock 106.9, and you hear a new song you like, but you're stopping somewhere, so you don't hear when the DJ says what it was. What do you do?
You visit our website and check the playlist. Right on the front page along the right-hand column just below the Games and Trivia section, is a feature that says 'Recently Played.' That lists the most immediate 5 songs played. At the bottom of that list, you can click to open up the last 50 songs played at any given time. That's close to 5 hours ago, so you can go back pretty much any time after you heard the song in question to find out what it was.
Plus, when you do expand that list, you'll also see links to buy the song on iTunes and Amazon, and download the ringtone. So, the next time you hear a song and wonder what it is, check out our playlist feature. Sweet!
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