I Survived the Blizzard of 2017
I survived the blizzard of 2017 and if you're reading this, I assume that you did too.
When I came into the house last night around 11, it was a steady drizzle outside and cold temperatures around 38 degrees. The conditions were right, but I didn't expect to actually see snow on the ground this morning. What a pleasant surprise! Everything looked gorgeous when I took the dogs outside, kids in the neighborhood were enjoying their school delay playing outside, and other neighbors were marveling at the pristine beauty of snow all over.
While it is expected to get in the 50's today and the snow will be gone, we are still expecting cold temperatures over the next few nights. As a result, the Central Church of Christ will have their warming center open tonight from 6pm until 8am Saturday morning. The church is located at 801 E. Airline Rd. in Victoria. If you need more information, call 361-575-7842. After hours, call 361-935-1451.
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