New Speedy Stop in Victoria to Feature Liquor Store
The new Speedy Stop going up at the corner of Houston Highway and Ben Jordan is coming up quickly. The new location will also have a new built-in feature, Speedy Stop Spirit! The new Speedy Stop store will be approximately 8,500 square feet, with an additional 4,000 square feet for Speedy Stop Spirits. Please enjoy responsibly.
When the new Speedy Stop broke ground I reached out to Courtney Montalvo with Speedy Stop(CL THOMAS) for more information. "This store will be 8,500 sqft and feature a Speedy Stop Kitchen with freshly prepared food offerings, all of the great merchandise offerings our customers are familiar with, and 24 fueling positions offering unleaded, plus, supreme, diesel, and ethanol-free gasoline."
The Victoria Parks and Recreation Department always does a great job! Especially during the summer months. Check out these four sports leagues coming to Victoria for the Summer months.
Victoria Summer Kickball, Softball, and Baseball Summer Leagues
CO-ED KICKBALL: The season kicks off on June, 14th at the Sports Complex. The cost is $300.00 per team. Must be 18 years to participate. You can register until June 5!
ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE: Games start on June 12th. Team registration is $300.00. Must be 18 years or older. You can register until June 5!
HIGH-SCHOOL SUMMER BASEBALL LEAGUE: Registration closes on June 12th. Games will be played at Lowe and Rippamonte Fields. The opening date is June 20th. Entry is $160.00/ $60 pay at the plate.
HIGH-SCHOOL SUMMER SOFTBALL LEAGUE: Registration closes on June 5th. Games will be played at the YSC Fields. The opening date is June 13th. Entry is $155.00/$55 pay at the plate.

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