Victoria County May Get a Long-Term Disaster Response & Recovery Center
A long-term recovery group wants to spend $1.1 million on a regional Disaster Response and Recovery Center to deal with events like hurricanes in Victoria and surrounding counties.
The Rebuild Texas Fund is offering to create the center to help prepare and respond to area disasters. The plan would include buying the office building owned by the Victoria Advocate in downtown Victoria to locate the center, which would be the first of its kind in the entire nation.
County commissioners are expected to vote on the measure at tomorrow's regular meeting, as the plan also needs the county to contribute $100,000 to the purchase price. The county would also need to maintain the building after the deal goes through.
Rebuild Texas Fund is a joint initiative of the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation and the OneStar Foundation. The group has donated as much as $4.1 million for Hurricane Harvey recovery.
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