Victoria Postal Carrier Food Drive Set for Saturday
Here's a staggering statistic-as many as 50,000 people in the Crossroads are described as 'food insecure', which means they may not know where their next meal is coming from.
You can help very easily.
Before the U.S. Postal Service delivers the mail tomorrow (5/14), take a few non-perishable food items out to your mailbox for the annual Postal Carrier Food Drive.
Residents are asked to put your donations in bags and leave them by your mailbox before 9 a.m. for pickup. The food will then be taken to the James Moody Post Office on Sam Houston, where Golden Crescent Food Bank volunteers will collect them.
Officials say the annual drive has collected as much as 47,000 pounds of food in 2013 but, in recent years, donations have fallen off to only about one third of that.
For more information, click here.
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