Victoria Summer Kickball, Softball, and Baseball Summer Leagues
The Victoria Parks and Recreation Department always does a great job! Especially during the summer months. Check out these four sports leagues coming to Victoria for the Summer months.
CO-ED KICKBALL: The season kicks off on June, 14th at the Sports Complex. The cost is $300.00 per team. Must be 18 years to participate. You can register until June 5!
ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE: Games start on June 12th. Team registration is $300.00. Must be 18 years or older. You can register until June 5!
HIGH-SCHOOL SUMMER BASEBALL LEAGUE: Registration closes on June 12th. Games will be played at Lowe and Rippamonte Fields. The opening date is June 20th. Entry is $160.00/ $60 pay at the plate.
HIGH-SCHOOL SUMMER SOFTBALL LEAGUE: Registration closes on June 5th. Games will be played at the YSC Fields. The opening date is June 13th. Entry is $155.00/$55 pay at the plate.
Every time I drive past the old Little League Fields in Riverside Park I get a little sad. All I see now are backstops in the middle of empty fields that used to be Santleben (if I spelled it correctly) and Scott Fields, not to mention the awesome concession stands. I thought the stands were EPIC for Little League fields. I still, remember the sun blaring in my eyes when trying to hit in Scott field as the sun went down. I had some epic battles with Brannan Paving, Dicks Food Store, and Tortilla King, just to name a few teams. What Little League team did you play for back in the day?
Before you got to the big boy fields you started in Wagner and Hernandez. I can still smell the manure of the pasture just past the outfield fence of Hernandez Field. While the City has built over the old Wagner and Hernandez site. You can still see remnants of Field 1 which was located behind Elder Field. Field one was mostly used for T-Ball games.
From what I can remember, this was the field that hosted the most Little League playoff games in Victoria. It was definitely the biggest when it came to distance to the outfield fence. It was also the best manicured as well. What is the best memory you have from the original Little League Fields in Victoria? Let us know in the comments of this Facebook status.
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