Victoria Working to Prohibit Public Camping in Some Areas
If you drive around the city of Victoria pretty much any day of the week, you'll see panhandlers on numerous street corners soliciting donations. Some of these people are homeless for whatever reason, and some may be finding places to camp when their day is done. That has been an issue as some homeless people are camping in areas around the city. Victoria city councilors want to address that situation with a proposed ordinance.
The ordinance would outlaw camping in primarily residential areas and in the city's historic districts. On a first reading of the ordinance yesterday, the ordinance passed 4-1. Now it must be read a few more times with city councilors voting again before it passes.
Police Chief J.J. Craig said it won't solve the problem because it will merely be a revolving doo for homeless people who get released from jail the next day only to camp in public again.
Several residents who were present offered solutions to the homelessness problem like more affordable housing, public restrooms, designated areas where camping would be allowed, and more support for groups that work with homeless residents.