Houston Texans Sued by Former Cheerleaders
A hostile work environment that included harassment and intimidation, and not being paid fully is the basis of a lawsuit five former cheerleaders have filed against the Houston Texans of the NFL.
Recently filed in Houston federal court, the suit says the cheerleaders were paid less than what they were supposed to get, which was $7.25 per hour, they weren't paid at all for some appearances, or for working other instances related to their jobs. They also say they were not provided security or transportation when they had to travel all over the state for appearances. In addition, the cheerleaders say they were threatened with firing if they complained.
One ex cheerleader said at a news conference to announce the suit that they were "harassed, bullied and body-shamed for $7.25 an hour."
A spokesperson for the team said they are constantly evaluating the program to make it enjoyable for everyone.
The cheerleaders who have filed the suit have hired noted women's rights attorney Gloria Allred to represent them.