The Movie ‘Selena’ Back in Theaters for Its 25th Anniversary
I have always said, 'enough' with the new movies and documentaries about Selena, just let her rest in peace. However, I am excited about this one. The original movie "Selena' will be back in theaters, Nationwide on April 7th for the 25th Anniversary of the release of the movie.
This movie is easily one of my top 5 movies of all time! 'Selena' is my second favorite musical drama behind 'La Bamba.' While both movies have tragic endings, both movies showcase their family lives and as well as their rise to the top. The question is which one hits you in the gut? At any given time someone in our family will randomly drop a quote from this movie. What are some of your favorite scene quotes from the Movie?
Check out my favorite scenes from the movie.
Of course, there is the epic, 'We don't need the dress.' clap back!
Do the washing machine! Wait a minute. On the steps at the beach in Corpus Christi, we get this iconic scene. Am I the only one that feels sorry for Suzette here being ignored while they give all their attention to Selena LOL!
Pretty much every scene in this movie is awesome, except every scene that featured the actress that played Yolanda Saldivar (Lupe Ontiveros). I know she is just the actress but her face still makes me cringe and I know I am not the only one LOL. Don't forget the new Selena Documentary is coming to Netflix on December 4th.

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